Öckerö gymnasium

Azores, you treated us well!

Thank you for giving us so many memories and experiences.

With black lava beaches, soft ice cream, a bike tour down the hill and a visit on the lava restaurant in our backpacks are we now leaving this beautiful island. At nine a clock we sat sail to England. And this trip is planned to take twelve days to arrive, twelve days at the sea. Days where we hope to see whales, to see falling stars and beautiful sunsets.

Leaving the Azores included new shifts, the shift we haven’t tried yet. My group, Portside, have 12-4 shift. It’s a very interesting task to be awake at twelve and work until four am.

This special day did not only come with new shifts and leaving the Azores, it is also Agnes birthday! A birthday includes singing at least to times, one in the morning at the line-up after the Swedish national song and one at the three-fika. Another advantage with birthdays is to choose food and fika. Agnes made an already good day even better. For lunch, it was pasta pesto which was very delicious. After that she choose fruit salad with ice cream, one of the best sweet-fika we could have on the boat. For everyone’s happiness, the day ended with falafel for dinner!

Pleased and favourable we could let the waves take us to sleep. To get some new energy for tomorrow, hopefully we get to see a whale. That is the last wish of the day every evening, maybe tomorrow will be our lucky day. God night and one last Happy Birthday to Agnes!

Emelie Olausson, Portside


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se