Some days here on the boat are just awesome. Perfect winds, jumping dolphins, and beautiful sunset's. This day though, it hasn't been that great, at least for me.
It started with me lying in the infirmary and having a high fever. Headache tablets work but only for a few hours. Then you're back to the high numbers on the thermometer. I couldn't even get up to fill my water bottle. Although my mouth was as dry as the beach we were on a few days ago thanks to the seasickness patch.
When you lie here in your loneliness and are on sick leave for the day, you begin to appreciate the little things. The fact that someone takes care of you, like at home. It is wonderful. Breakfast comes into the room and then someone picks it up when you're done. As I said, it's the little things that make a difference. The same goes for being healthy, working on the deck, and doing schoolwork. You start very quickly to appreciate those who work in the kitchen and the fact that you can always get good food when you need it as most. The lunch that was noodlewok was very good and gave me some energy. Even though my appetite wasn't the best.
Somewhere around one o'clock I decided to try to do some school work. Although it is not mandatory when you are on sick leave. It went well at first but I felt that the fever was slowly but surely coming back. I therefore decided that I should go up to the infirmary, take an ipren and rest.
Since then I have been in the infirmary, listening to podcasts and resting. I hope that my fever disappears for a long time in the near future. Even if the job out there is tough, it is still more fun and rewarding than lying in a bunk and rest.
Best reggards
Nathanael Öhrvall
Starboard watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00