We used Wi-fi for the first time in a week! Because of the Wi-fi we lost track of time and suddenly the clock was ten past nine. On our way home we had to wait for a plane to pass where we walked. This is because there is a airfield in the middle of the city.
Hello everyone at home or elsewhere. Today we reached Gibraltar after a couple of rainy days at sea.
The weather was not very nice when we arrived but was far from the one we had at sea so i was rather happy. After some lunch at the boat most of us went out exploring the rainy city, but first we needed to go through the pass control for the country. There were lots of small streets with cozy shops and cafés near the centre of the town. We saw an especially fine looking café and stayed there for the remainder of the evening. After our stay there we went looking for restaurant. We found a asian one in a area called Ocean village. We ate lots of dumplings and weird soup, and there we used Wi-fi for the first time in a week! Because of the Wi-fi we lost track of time and suddenly the clock was ten past nine. On our way home we had to wait for a plane to pass where we walked. This is because there is a airfield in the middle of the city. When we ran past the airfield we were once again reminded that Gibraltar is not Spain but a whole other country. There were three men standing behind a booth looking at everyones passes. We made it through the pass control and back towards the boat. When we arrived at the boat the time was five minutes before ten. We headed down towards the dining room, where i am now writing this blog.
Sincerely, Niclas
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se