Today we left Bermuda and continued the sailing towards Sweden, the next stop is the Azores. The day started with a quick breakfast so you had time to call home to the family before the 2 weeks without service.
After that it was time for William and Anna to go back to Sweden. We
cast off and steered towards the Atlantic with a good wind, but with the
knowledge that the coming day will be calmer.
The watch schedule rolled on as usual again and for lunch we had pesto
pasta which was appreciated by almost everyone. At my night watch the
sky was full of stars and we also saw shooting stars and milky seas. My
position in the watch was look out, and the waves light up in the night.
There was plenty of milky seas and it was a really cool experience.
Apart from this, it was a calm sailing all day with a wind that slowly
died towards the evening. It was good watch but here wasn´t so much to
do since I was at the lookout spot. During the night watch the
work source played different games and learned about all the mooring
lines, now I know almost all of them and where they are placed.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00