Öckerö gymnasium

Blogg 22/5

I woke up this morning to the sound of the rondman telling me to wake up for breakfast, but i quickly fell asleep again. About twenty minutes later i got woken up again and i quickly got dressed and got up to eat,
with about half an hour until my watch begun.

I started off my morningmeal with an egg, which i quickly realised there was something wrong with and i had to spit it out. I told the chef it was rotten, but he cut me off with saying something about how it had been laying with watermelon, which explained the weird taste. With about fifteen minutes
left i started eating sandwiches, which have been really good thanks to
the cheese we now have.

With five minutes left i ran down the stairs and put my climbing harness
half on, and when i got out the door i realised i was late. I tried to
play it off in the mustering line but the officer saw me and gave me a
stare down, and everyone had to wait until i had put the climbing
harness on. I was rondman today so i started off the watch by doing the
big rond, where you write down all the numbers from the machine room but
you also look so it’s not burning anywhere. It was not burning anywhere
so i had to keep going the ronds every hour until the watch was done. I
also got to wake up the other two watches. I got help from the captains
son to wake them up which made it a lot easier, he was very strict with
not letting them fall asleep again. After the watch i ate lunch, we got
leftovers. I have done some schoolwork and i am now writing this!
Shout out to my parents and my brothers, my grandparents and my cat.
Thanks for reading!

Sigvard Heliosson


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se