Öckerö gymnasium

Blue Holes

The day started off with the usual breakfast concisting of porrage whitout milk and for those who dare, bread with something they call cheese. Then you could take a glass of ironrich water with some lemonslices to hide the unusual flavor. Everybody in starbord and Port
side weren’t at their best energywise so 95 procent of us slept from eight, or directly after gathering (uppställning), to lunch 12:20. We woke up, ate and then we made us ready for the travel to Blue Holes.

We took bus number seven and began our adventure. We flew up and down,
left to right when we travled down the road. With normalspeed of 60
km/h, lefthand trafik, on small roads without sidewalk and therefore
people walking centimeters from the longside of the buss we traveled
safely down the bermudan road. The finishing touch from the drivers
smooth and nice ride is the aggressive stop she maked the second we
started standning up and gatering our things and made us flew all the
way to the front. Anyways know we are in Blue Holes.

Cristall clear lightblue water whit fishes in all the rainbows colour
and small little squides. A green forrest with different animals and
plants and a high selfastablished guide is just some of the things you
will experience in Blue Holes.

Felix Eliasson


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se