Sunrise, and at least 27°C at the morning gathering where we raised the flag and go through the plans for the day. Shortly after we’re finished, we packed our backpacks and went to the buses the guides had fixed for us the whole week.
Salsa music was on full volume inside one of the buses and our tour gudie, Jani, danced to the music between the bus seats. At the same time a man bikes past us, he brings a speaker that shouts on repeat
- Boqadito y helado!And so it goes on and on. “An everyday morning in Havana”, Yani says. We drove between small streets full off people in their morning rush, some queued for the grocery stores that just had been refiled and other was on their way to work. The buses stopped in front of a big school, with a beautiful entrance, and inside I saw stairs from both sides that ended up in a big picture of Fidel Castro. On the stairs five students welcomed us and told us about the school. They guided us through classes, and dance shows the students had prepared for our visit. Everyone is exited for our visit, and so are we of course. Since our first two trips has been during a pandemic, school visits as not been usual, so now when we finally are allowed to meet students around the world it’s fantastic.
When we entered the P.E class, they danced fast to a Cuban song, they were very good and ambitious. To thank them for dancing we would like to teach them a Swedish traditional dance, it’s called the small frogs.
They laughed at us when we sang and showed them the steps. The visit at the school was very giving, and interesting because we got a glimpse of school life in Cuba and a opportunity to learn from students from another country.
After the activities of the day we went out for a quick visit in Havana’s China town. On the way to China town, I heard it again,
- Boqadito y helado!
But couldn’t find where it came from this time, we searched but with no success of finding, Boqadito y helado, we found China town and ate delicious food. But I still search for Boqadito y helado, and going to continue in my next free watch. I’m determined to eat Boqadito y helado before I leave Cuba.
Elsa, SA2023
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00