Just as I thought that the day couldn’t get any better, we had a birthday kid onboard. Märta turned 16 and that we celebrated with some carrot cake which was so delicious.
Today we had a great day.
We finally saw the sun that was hidden from us for a long time. Ever since we left Gibraltar the weather has been really bad with rain and harsh wind. Many of us was seasick the first couple of days. Now when the weather is much better everyone is feeling fine and everyone’s mood is great. This makes the days a lot funnier. Today we also started the big finish cleaning. Before we go back home every corner of the boat has to be clean. Also we hoisted some sails so now we go with no engine and most of the sails are hoisted.
Just as I thought that the day couldn’t get any better, we had a birthday kid onboard. Märta turned 16 and that we celebrated with some carrot cake which was so delicious.
After the dinner some of us climbed as high as possible in the mast where we admired the beautiful sunset. Our night guard was also fantastic. The sky was full of stars and the sea full of sea fire. As we looked down in the sea in the very front of the boat a couple of dolphins showed up! It was so cool. You see like an outline of the dolphins light up in the water and it made a track of light behind them, absolutely amazing.
Kind regards from a sunny Atlantic ocean.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se