Öckerö gymnasium

Christmas eve at Gunilla!

It’s Christmas! Well, kind of. Today’s the day we’re celebrating Christmas here on T/S Gunilla. We had a well-planned day with a lot of activities. There was singing, dancing, we played games, quizzes, and ate a lot of good food.

The day started with a well needed morning of sleep that lasted until about 10.30. The first thing planned was the usual morning line-up at 10.45, and afterwards we had brunch. Fried egg with bacon, and pancakes with syrup. Then after a short break, the party planners had prepared the first Gunilla Masters Christmas Edition, with three games and four different teams. Starboard, midships, portside and the main crew. The games were jump with fender, Irish Christmas Eve, and egg relay, which was really fun to watch. Especially the Irish Christmas Eve. Everyone got so dizzy. Later during dinner, they revealed the winners, which was the main crew! Midships came in second place, and starboard came in third place. Congratulations to all!

After the games, there was a short dance around the mast. We also watched Karl Bertil Johnsson’s Christmas eve and Donald Duck, which was special because of the scenes you can’t watch in Swedish television. We also had some Christmas present exchange.

The last thing on the schedule was the Christmas dinner which contained meatballs, traditional Swedish prince sausage, Christmas ham, herring, fried potatoes, potato gratin, salmon, bread, cheese and gingerbread cookies. It was a delicious buffet. Together with the dinner, there were a Christmas quiz. There were thirteen questions and a decisive question that asked how many days have passed since January 1, 1 year after Christ. The correct answer was 738 150 days. The winners of the quiz were the same as the games, some of the main crew.

The day ended in the best possible way with a lot of happy, but tired faces. And a good night sleep.

Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you!

Anna Westlund, midships


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se