Today was Christmas eve, the 24th of December and it was a really good day. We did not have any lessons and less work to do on the boat.
We also did a lot of fun games that the crew prepared for us. The weather was really good, but not enough wind to sail so we had to use the engine. We woke up and found a Christmas stocking hanging on our door handle, it was filled with candy. We started the day with a four hours long shift. It was a really hot and sunny day and still no wind. We saw a lot of dolphins that were jumping in the water, we also saw a turtle. The Portside crew had to take all the sails down yesterday and they were still down all day today. We had to use the engine to move forward. After our first shift, we ate lunch and did a walking quiz in groups. All students had prepared a recreation of a scene from Kalles Christmas in our guarding groups. We performed them for infront of everyone and it was really fun, everyone laughed a lot. Every student had also brought a Christmas present that we put in Santas sack. Santa then came and distributed the presents to each one of us students. The crew then told us to go change in to bathing suits because we were going to swim in the ocean. We jumped in the water and it was really nice, blue and clear. We all had a really good time. We also got watermelon, oranges, bananas and gingerbread. The dinner was served at 17:30 and we had a really big Christmas dinner, it was really good. We also got Christmas desert after dinner and a lot of chocolate. We ate the desert while watching Kalles Christmas on one of the sails. We then had our night shift, but missed about an hour and a half of it because we were wathing Kalles Christmas. It was a really good day and Christmas, everyone seemed really happy.
Matilda Persson, Starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00