Öckerö gymnasium

Circle of T/S Gunilla

I was on one watch in the morning and one watch on the afternoon. The next morning I have another watch and then on the afternoon again. After my watch in the morning, I go to sleep. After my watch in the afternoon, I go to sleep.

So it goes on like a never-ending cycle. I honestly don’t have any sort of clue of neither how many days we’ve been out at sea, nor how many days we have left. My whole conception of time has been disrupted. But in some ways we are able to pass the time with good care and make each day have it’s own value.

As usual, the 16th of May started of with a watch at 4 o’clock at night. I was the lookout, which means that my activities were quite limited. The most action I had during that watch was the waves that sometimes changed size and direction. I was overwhelmed with entertainment… The sunrise was quite okay as well. But eventually my duty was over and I could go eat my beloved breakfast before I could go to bed. Within seconds I was already awake again to eat lunch. I know, very interesting. There are really not many particular accomplishments that are worth talking about. All the happenings during my day I only appreciate. For instance, during my second watch on the afternoon, I was in general very glad and thankful. We worked and turned sails the whole watch and I was able to help with ALL the tasks. This was important to me since I’ve been handicapped since the first day on this boat because I was smart enough to crush my fingers in a door. I have a habit of hurting myself, but that’s irrelevant to this day. After my watch we played some card games. Everyone was truly mad at each other. But it worked out since me and my favorite boat friend, Hi Alicia.

Thank you for your participation.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se