The night to today we have been laying by anchor right outside of Plymouth. At seven am this morning my watch got woken up for breakfast and then at eight our watch began. While waiting for the pilot boat to
come we picked up the anchor and cleaned up on deck to for it to look nice for port. The sky was pouring down and the wind had picked up. That wasn’t a surprise, it’s the typical British weather. After a few hours the pilot boat came to bring us to the dock.
Everybody was motivated by
the fact that very soon we will be able to stand on soiled and still
ground. As the pilot brought Gunilla closer to the mainland we realized
that we in the port side watch would have to wait another day for the
rocking to stop. While tying up the boat to what we thought would be the
dock we understand that it’s actually a floating plontoon in the middle
of the harbour. So the rocking back and forth won’t come to a stop. We
watched as the other watches got into taxi boats and went ashore. While
they discussed what they would do today we got back to work. To hide
from the rain we got under deck and began inventorying. We counted all
proviant and cleaned the spaces where it was stored. While counting
plastic bags our watch leader came by to tell our that it was fika. We
made our way up the stairs expecting the usual white bread with a few
toppings but the smell of croissants was unavoidable. Everyones face lit
up and soon we also realized that chocolate ice cream was being served
onto of the croissants. The break was well deserved and gave us energi
to finishing up the work we had left. It was a time consuming shore that
kept us working for almost the rest of the day.
Esther Andersson, Portside
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00