Lady luck seems to be choosing sides on this trip, and it would be a lie to say that some watches are not luckier than others.
Portside and midships were the lucky ones today as they got to enjoy an entire off-duty day in Havanna. The rain had stopped, the sun was shining and the music filled the streets. Needless to say, the perfect day to explore Cubas capital.
Sunday in Cuba means that many are vacant from work, so there is a lot of movement and activity in the old parts of Havanna. Markets with a lot of crafts, food and souvenirs could be found everywhere. They sold everything from smoking pipes to jewelry, most of it handmade by the vendors themselves. We all had a blast going through these markets and found many cool things to bring home. My favourite market were a small one close to the Obisbo Street. All the vendors there sold pre-revolution items, meaning they were very old and unique. Pins, lighters, books and even some stamps could be found here for a good price. The vendors could also tell the story behind every item which made them even cooler.
In addition to shopping there were also a lot of food today. Ice cream, pizza and drinks were devoured during the course of the day. The drinks were all virgin, of course. A good thing about Cuba is that almost all drinks can be ordered without alcohol and still count as happy hour specials. So you could order a virgin Cuba Libre and still get 2 for 1, even though a virgin Cuba Libre is just a regular coke.
To end the day we met up in a bigger group and had dinner together to celebrate Klara who turned 19 today, congrats to you dear friend! The band at the restaurang even sang cumpleaños feliz to her, which was really nice.
Even though this was a great day, it sadly ended with food poisoning. I still do not regret a single meal.
Flisan Portside
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00