Today we left Lerwick for our next leg to Ullapool in Scotland. We have changed watches so now we have 12-4, before we had 4-8 so it’s a bit different than what we’re used to. The seafearers had to be on deck for the departure and after that we had a lesson with the chief officer for about an hour.
When the lesson was over I went down below to sleep for two hours until lunchtime, and then it was our turn to have watch. We got to set all the sails, sowe were pretty tired the last hour but the “fika” cheered us all up.
After watch I sat in the messhall and knitted while watching a movie. Three hours before the night watch I went to sleep. The first thing we did on nightwatch was to take down the sails, it was scary because it was very dark so we barely saw anything. That was also the only thing we did, the rest of the time we sat on halfdeck and read a book called “Loranga”. I was looking forward to get to my bed again. Directly after the watchchange I hurried to bed and fell asleep very fast. I’m now looking forward to get to harbour again.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00