We are in the fourth day on the Atlantic. The time has passed quite quickly though. I started the day at 08:00 by going on guard and we painted the entire port side of the hub cabin.
When we were done, I probably had more colour on myself than on the wall. After our ten-“fika”, we practiced to unleash and put the clearing on time.
In my first blog, I wrote about how I didn't dare to get into the rig. Since then, I’ve never had to either lash or unlash a sail. But after a few rigging walks, today it was time to go up and unlash a sail. And what's cooler than taking the scariest first? I got to the top of the mainmast with the help of Selma and Julia and unlashed the clearing. It certainly didn't go quickly, the final time was 32 minutes. But I'm proud that I got up, even though it was the scariest thing I've ever done.
After the watch we ate lunch and then had lessons. Me, Ella and Irma completed most of our geography assignments and I spent the last time of the lesson trying to work on my report in social studies. At 6.30 pm me, Selma and Mim headed back to the rig. We watched the sunset and talked for almost an hour before it was time to go down and change for watch. At 8.00 pm, we went back on watch again. We started the watch with the crew member in charge of our watch reading a book out loud while we were looking at the stars. Then we cleaned the entire student interior and had a fika break after. Since we have a shortage of butter, we didn't eat scones today, but we ate banana bread, surprisingly good actually, but nothing beats scones. We decided to dows and set the bram a few times and when the clock struck 00 we got off watch. Before I went to bed I sat down and tried to answer some emails and then it was time to sleep.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se