Öckerö gymnasium

Departure day!

My day started out at 06:15 because I had anchor watch at 06:30. After breakfast we started to prepare to start “sailing” towards Bergen. We in Midships practised to furl and unfurl the square sails, while the others sea secured all items onboard. Then it was time for departure at 11.30.

Midships has the 8-12 watch so we had the first watch. We unhooked the anchor and started to go out on Skagerak. During our watch we practised all the ropes and got to know Gunilla again.

After the watch it was time for lunch and due to it being departure day we had no lessons. So between 12-8 we spend our time napping and just hanging out with each other.

At 8 pm we started our night watch which contained us cleaning the whole boat, captain explaining our route and practising to brass around.

After a fun day (even though no sails were sat), we went to bed after our watched had ended at midnight

Torkel EIlard, MIdships


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se