Today has been an interesting day. I had a blast in the city, with my homebois and now we just got home from the school disco.
Agadir is nice, I really enjoy my time here and the oranges are so delicious. I even bought one kilo today at the market. For only 4 dirhams (3,6kr)!! Otherwise I didn’t buy that much.
After the market, we went to the EMAA business school because they had organized a disco for us, it felt like we were twelve again and were at a middle school disco except that they didn’t had any candy at this party. I liked the feeling of being twelve again, it felt safe, because people didn’t throw up, scream, make out or ruin the furniture. Although I think that my teacher was on a very good mood, because he danced like crazy when we played the songs “klä av dig naken” and “dancing queen”.
The evening resulted in many follow-requests on Instagram, because I’m that popular in Morocco.
Lots of love, Sabrina Lennartz
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00