Today, we left Gibraltars harbour and set course to Las Palmas, with one stop in front of Cadiz for the second graders english national tests and maybe one more stop along the way, depending on the weather.
We left the harbour at 10am, and the starboard was on until 12, and the Portside came on and set sail. We also had about 10 dolphins that followed the boat for a good 20 minutes, which was exciting, and we also saw Maersk Emma, which was one of the biggest container boats for a really long time. Gibraltar was fun. We went on a walk on the big rock and saw a lot of the old military buildings where all the weapons were. I look forward to the 11-day sailing we have in front of us as we have switched watch times, and I have got the, in my opinion, easiest ones (8-12) and hopefully good food.
Helene, Starboard watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00