Today it felt extremely hard to get up when we were called at 07:00 AM. When we went out on deck to begin our watch at eight o´clock, I got energy since the sun was shining and the wind was stronger than yesterday. We were today sailing in a speed of about 8 knots which was a lot faster than the night before when we sailed at a speed of about 2 knots.
At the watch me and Emma were repairing some of the blocks in the mizzen mast. It was the first time for both of us to climb in the mizzen mast and It was very funny but also a bit tricky to repair the blocks up there. Unfortunately, it took at a lot longer than we had expected so when we were going to do the last block in the top both of us started to feel like we had to pee. We got panic and started stressing with fixing the last blocks as fast as we could and hurried down to the toilets, we got there not a second too late.
Today it was my watch’s washing day. When the clothes were cleaned and dried in the tumble-dryer we were sorting our clothes, but a strange thing that has happened every time when we are washing here is that our clothes always go missing, especially my socks! But the strangest thing is that when everyone has taken their clothes there are always clothes left that no one can recognise, and we can’t understand where they are coming from or to whom they might belong!
Alva Strandberg, midships watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00