The plan for this day involved a school trip to a school in Ireland called south Sutton Park school as well as a beach excursion followed thereafter. To reach the school we had to use public transport since the destination was located in Howth. This also meant that we had to transport all of the excursion gear using the train. I imagine that it was quite a funny sight for the locals to see 30 students on the train carrying welly boots, nets and water binoculars.
The train took half an hour to go from Dublin to Howth, after the train ride we had to walk for another half hour so the trip wasn’t short either. When we arrived at the school we were greeted by the principal. We also noticed that all of the students were wearing sports clothes, at first, we thought that they just had completed a P.E lesson, but then we realised that it was their regular school uniform.
The principal met us at the front door and told us that we could leave the excursion gear in the lobby. Then he told us that the P.E teacher were going to take us on a walk along with some students. Then they took us to a mountain and said that we were supposed to climb it, and let’s just say that none of us were prepared to climb a mountain, but we pushed through wearing our jeans and white shoes. It wasn’t really a big mountain so the ascent took 25 minutes whilst the decent took 15 minutes.
When we were done at the school it was finally time for the excursion, so we started walking to the closest beach. During the walk to the beach it started to pour down rain and once again were no one prepared for the circumstances and everyone got wet. When it started to rain I decided that I wouldn’t go in to the water wearing the welly boots so when it was time to decide who would go in to the sea I reasoned that since I was furthest out last time I could skip this time and it seemed to work. After the excursion we were free to do whatever we wanted which led to an uneventful day in Dublin.
Rasmus Falk Babord
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00