Öckerö gymnasium

Eat and sleep

Waking up, eating breakfast, going back to bed and sleep. That’s what a day being sick can look like while being here in the wonderful city Mindelo!

7:00 am, everyone got woken up as usual to eat breakfast 15 minutes later. After everyone lined up on main deck the other watches left the boat to explore the wonderful city Mindelo on their free watch. All, except for us in watch portside. Everyone went on with their duties except for me. Unfortunately, I went back to my cabin feeling unwell. Before I managed to fall asleep the medic called for me. She told me to make my way to the sickbay.

At the sickbay she took my vitals after being sick for approximately a week. She then preceded to hand me antibiotics to help me recover from whatever sickness I had. After the visit I went back to my cabin. I slept through the 10:00 am break and lunch. I woke up to my watch knocking rust off the railings at 1:30 pm.

Feeling frustrated and dehydrated I pulled myself out of my bed to get up and grab some water. It really sucks being sick another day at T/S Gunilla, especially in port where you can go to the beach, interview interesting people and explore new cultures. After drinking some water and philosophizing about life for a while the clock suddenly turned 3:00 pm! Time for 3:00 break. I ate some tasty fruit after barely eating for the entire day. After that I went back to isolating myself for yet another day being sick! Oh, what an exciting day in Mindelo!

//Amanda Tureson


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se