Öckerö gymnasium

Eggsplosion !

Since I´m a part of the 4-8 watch we wake up at 3.30 am, then we have half an hour to get ready before it´s time for watch change.

Since I´m a part of the 4-8 watch we wake up at 3.30 am, then we have half an hour to get ready before it´s time for watch change. Today I was in the workforce, but because of the lack of things to do in the morning, that usually means sleepy-time on deck. But as soon as the sun comes up we have to do our only task as the 4-8 watch, scrubb and clean the deck. It only takes about 30 minutes and its pretty fun actually since we get to watch the sunrise in the meantime. When the watch is over at 8 o´clock we eat breakfast and afterwards we are free to do whatever we want to do until 12.20 pm when our lessons starts.

At 4 pm our next shift began, which also means new posts. This time I was working in the kitchen, also known as the ”byssan”. Most of the time I really enjoy being here, but honestly It´s a lot of pressure and when its stressfull you got to keep it together. Today it was extra stressfull because we had some complications in the kitchen that made our duty a bit challenging. Let me explain the situation, this day the waves were definentely the wildest they have ever been on our trip, which made Gunilla and everything inside of her fly between left and right in a very high speed. This is the reason for why it´s so important to make sure that anything fragile is protected onboard, otherwise you will end up with hundreds, who knows, maybe thousends (?) of crushed eggs all over the place. At least this was the result it gave for us. Of course some of these eggs weren´t one hundered percent fresh, not even one percent - they were rotten. The smell haunts me until this day, it was disgusting and it was everywhere. It was a total chaos. But we took some deep breaths and kept it together, and in the end of the day the chef gave us credit for handeling the situation well and handed over one soda to both me and my friend and after that we finished our shift with a smile on our faces.

After a busy day I felt tired and therefor I went to bed the second my watch was over.

Linnea Sundberg


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se