Öckerö gymnasium

English Blog

Today is our third and final day in Rotterdam. I was lucky to have the first watch in port, since that meant only having to clean the ship before we were free that day. The reason we only had to clean up was because we arrived at two pm and the workday was basically over already which was very nice because having the first watch also meant having the two last days abroad in port here in Rotterdam was left for my watch.

I have been enjoying my two days here in Rotterdam with lots of long walks
around the city, visiting restaurants and so on.

Yesterday, the second day in port and my first free watch, all of the
students including me went to visit a maritime museum which was very
interesting and quite fun as well because they had a lot of things you
could interact with and games to play related to seafaring in one way or
another. Today the seafarers were supposed to go on a visit to a port
traffic station to see how what once was the biggest port in the world,
now third, is managed. Unfortunately, we couldn’t go because they had a
really busy day.

One of my favorite things that I have done here in Rotterdam was to eat
lunch aboard a lighthouse boat that is now a restaurant. It was really
cool and interesting and I hope to maybe one day return to Rotterdam for
a second visit.

Tomorrow we set sail at 9 in the morning, leaving for our final
destination of our 2 months trip back to Öckerö, Sweden.

Max N


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se