Todays is hopefully but also sadly the last day at sea before we arrive to Sao Miguel. I have a lot of mixed feeling about this, and I know I’m not the only one. One of my favourite things to do is watch all the screens in the hub cabin, you can see our speed, our course, boats nearby but the most interesting is to watch the distance and time left until Sao Miguel.
It’s always nice starting the watch by looking how many nautical miles we have left and then check again before we go off watch. Of course, it’s satisfying to see how the numbers and days sinks but at the same time the melancholy is growing. It’s not only excitement arriving to the port this time because it means I will probably have my last watch at sea in my whole life tonight or tomorrow.
I was post today and I’m pretty sure I will spend my last watch at sea as post tonight as well. Being post is nice because you can always have a good talk with Jerker our second officer but today, I got a bit jealous of the work force when Sara our bosun made a music quiz for our watch. I could still hear the songs, but I could not guess since I must be focused on my assignment as lifeguard, out watch or stir the ship. Sara had put together a couple of Swedish songs that were covers from English songs. The two teams’ assignment was to guess the song and artist in both the Swedish and the English version by just listening to the Swedish one. They seemed to enjoy it a lot and team “Babybarbord” won with just one point more than team “Barbord”. They got a block of chocolate and as kind as they are they shared it with everyone in our watch.
This trip is only one half of our first trip but for some reason I think the most of us are ready to go home since we have put or mind to go home on Saturday. There are good times waiting at home with prom, the ceremony of our graduation caps and our graduation day. During one of our classes today we discussed what song we should run out with, and I think we have some candidates even though we are a bit divided in this question. I’m not going to tell you the songs, but you will hear it at the outspring on our exam day.
Karin Berglund Sas1922
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00