Öckerö gymnasium

Falling for Iceland

Today we experienced the warmest day of the year here on Iceland. We also experienced a lot more.

Maybe today was the best day so far on our visit in Iceland. The day started off as normal with breakfast at 7 and morning assembly at 8. Then we all packed lunch and snacks because we were going on a 10-hour long bus trip. At 8:30 we left the boat, well prepared with lots of food, water and hand sanitizer:) We were going to do the famous golden circle tour which is a trip around the island with lots of well known stops.

A girl in our class was born here on Iceland and some of her relatives still live here so her grandmothers sister did the great job of being our guide for the day.

She told us interesting stories about things we saw on the way and told is all about the stops we were about to do.

Our first stop was a very pretty valley with a small waterfall, remarkable stonewalls and a stunning view. After that we went to se the famous geysers and on the way we stopped to se a beach that is used to bake bread. The sand is so hot so they can make bread by digging down the bread in the hot sand. Anyway, well at the islands most famous geyser we har our lunch while watching the boiling crater explode now and then. I have to say it was a pretty epic lunch break.

Our next stop was a really big waterfall called Gullfoss. That was really cool actually and we stood there just watching for about 30 minutes. And now to the last and probably the best stop of the day - the hot springs. We needed to hike a little to get there. It was a 3 kilometers walk but it felt like more. The hills were very steep and behind every top we taught were the last, there was another one. But I think I can talk for everyone when i say it was worth it. Well at the hot springs we could take a relaxing bath while looking at the remarkable mountains. It was a really strange feeling of bathing, in what felt like a jacuzzi, but really just sitting on a couple of rocks in a flood. It was a great ending of a great day and now we are on our way back to the boat and I think we all will sleep really well tonight.


Esther Krantz


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se