Öckerö gymnasium

Fender in focus

I heard the sound of the bow thruster. I think the clock was around 10:00 am. The bow thruster is one of our captain’s most important machinery at mooring. When the lines and the fenders were fixed, we had a gathering on main deck.

Hello dear friends!

My day started when I heard the sound of the bow thruster. I think the clock was around 10:00 am. The bow thruster is one of our captain’s most important machinery at mooring. When the lines and the fenders were fixed, we had a gathering on main deck. Our captain, Anders told us some information about Bermuda. Then kicki told us about the time everybody should be back on the boat. Today everybody had to be back at 17:30 pm because we would walk to a beach and have a barbeque.

When the gathering ended, it was time for lunch. Lill-Britt, our chef had done Thai food and it was very tasty. Today my watch midship, had the watch. So, we began to do some maintence work directly after the lunch.

At 17:30 we began our walk to the beach. The beach lied 20 minutes from the harbour and it wasn’t big, but it was very pleasant. Some of us started with a swim. After a little while the food was ready, and it was time to eat. We stayed maybe for 2 hours and then me and my watch walked back to the boat to begin the night watch.

Yeee yeee that was a part of my day!

Hugo Johansson


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se