After cleaning the toilets for about 4 hours making sure everything was perfect, me and my servants moved on to cleaning the little mess...
Today was the last day on Gunilla. We started our day with a nice breakfast that consisted of cornflakes, milk, Christmas porridge, cinnamon and sugar.
After we finished up our breakfast did we meet up with the captain on main deck. The captain divided us in to different groups and each group had a different task to take care of during the day. My mission was to clean all the toilets, showers. To assist me I had three loyal servants that I was in charge of during the day.
After cleaning the toilets for about 4 hours making sure everything was perfect, me and my servants moved on to cleaning the little mess. The little mess was as it sounds a little mess, we were done about an hour from when we started and could enjoy a chocolate cake from yesterdays party. it was a bit dry but hungry as me and my team was we ate several chocolate cakes each.
After our little break it was time for port side to take over the watch of our now well cleaned boat and I was put in the kitchen to help our chef with the dinner.
Every body is sorry about leaving Gunilla but also happy to come home.
“Borta bra men hemma bäst!”
See you all tomorrow best wishes The crew of Gunilla
Gustav H
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00