The second day in Cadiz has gone bye fast. Little time and much information has made our brains full of important things but we are now understanding how Gunilla works a little bit better.
This night was not as good as the last one because of the air condition. For some reason the AC was off and the night was warm for everybody especially for the people that slept in the top bunk beds.
After the breakfast and the arrangement we did a practice on how to close the heavy doors. Because it is very important to not leave them open when we don’t use them, especially when we are out sailing. You can actually lose your fingers in it… We also had a familize practice when we learned how to be on duty (guard on the boat.) Portside also learned all 22 sails on the boat, or at least tried.
After all the practice things we had an arrangement again. As a surprise the leaders told us that we were about to leave the quay and go to the other side of the harbor. So we have now had our first trip with Gunilla, but without sails. We actually didn’t have to do anything until when we arrived. We spent the whole hour on the sea braiding each others hair.
We waited for a long time for the moorning to get done.
Afterwards starboard and midship had freetime to spend ashore, but we had to stay on duty…
Me and Judit volunteered to guard the bridge to the boat. Maybe not the best choice because now we have to guard the bridge 4,5 hours this next twenty-four hours. We didn’t have fika today after lunch so we were starving and our guard ended 18:30, 30 minutes after dinner already past. Some of the other students gave us snacks to eat meanwhile ( very kind but it’s forbidden when you are on duty, yolo.) Meanwhile all the other people in port cleaned the boat or helped the chef in the kitchen.
On the boat kitchen helpers are called backisar, just so you keep up.
Today has been really fun and we have learned a lot. Tomorrow we will visit the castle Alcazar and it will be amazing. See you soon.
Gabriella Sverlinger
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00