I have been nervously awaiting this day. The first watchday. What if I make a mistake?
We started the day the same way as yesterday, with “Get to know the ship” lessons. We went through the boat’s fire-safety plan, for example where the fire extinguishers are located. The second lesson was about knifes. The one in charge of the lesson was Martin. He taught us how to secure our knife´s for climbing up the sailboat masts. He also taught me my first real knot, the figure eight. It wasn’t hard at all and I understood it after just a few tries. After the “Get to know the ship” lesson we started the watchday. My first work task on the boat was as shipgaurd. Shipguard is a pretty simple but very boring job. As shipguard you have three tasks to complete, guarding, representing and walking “rond”. When representing you are the face of TS Gunilla and Öckerö Seglande gymnasium. You represent by talking to people interested in the boat, waving back to people and looking happy. You also have to
take a quick stroll around the ship to make sure the boat is working as it should and no machines are broken or pipes are leaking. This is called walking “Rond”. You also wash towels and bedsheets. The last task you have as shipguard is of course guarding the ship. You have to have full focus on making sure no unwanted people enter or climb on to the boat. This means that you have to sit in almost complete silence with no distractions, no music, no food, no books no nothing. This combines into
a very boring task. The only thing that could keep me from going insane from boredom was the other shipguard that sat next to me that I could talk to. Today it was Selma T and Neila. They are both great people so it wasn’t as boring as expected. Later that night at 2:30 am I had another shift of shipgaurd so the day ended with going to bed early.
Edvin, midskepps
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se