Today have been everything from boring to exciting and happiness and finally a bit of sadness (empathy?) towards our amazing DOS that had made us a wonderful plan.
The day begun with us going on watch at midnight and not much is happening when the wind has settled to be a pain in the ass or rather pain in the front. Luckily the sea and the weather weren’t that harsh but we knew that soon were going in to a big storm just outside Portugal coast. We got wakened up at 11 o clock in the morning just like every teenager (at the weekend?). with another watch like the night watch except that we were aiming towards carbine so we could get in the of the storm otherwise we were just aching to step foot in Setubal. After the watch we had school and we went through the wonderful plan in Setubal, that makes one giddy just to think about. Then the tragedy came, we somehow lost our place in Setubal. Its surprisingly no panic in the room probably because of Anne-Li telling us it will be fine. After an hour or so, the captain, Bo that tell us we will be staying in Lisbon instead.
You feel great and all but you do feel sad for Anne-Li that had made us arrangement for a school visit and them cheeking Gunilla and eating tasty food and of course “fika”.
Liam, Portside
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00