Öckerö gymnasium

Fun with sails

It was a fun but a hard day today. We have been working all day and I have been climbing in the rig. It started off as a regular day with breakfast and then we had our morning meeting at 8 o'clock and then the work started.

Today, all the boys went to a boys school so all girls took care of the boat until they came back. It felt good because we are 27 girls so we were more than we were in our work team, so the job went a little faster.

My task today was to continue setting up a sail that someone had begun doing yesterday. It was fine at first, but the sail was terribly heavy, we thought we were weak but we realized that the sail was tied to the boat, it was a lot easier when we untied the rope. The other problem we met was when we were done, or we thought that we were done. We had fixed the sail the wrong way so when we ha to get rid of everything and then we redid everything, then we got tired. We continued to work on the sail for 8 hours but we solved it and got almost finished today. We got the energy for the work from today's fika, pancakes were served. It was the highlight of the day!

After we had finished working on the sail we had to do the daily cleaning and after that it was dinner. Now I have almost finished the work for today so I'm sitting here studying, tomorrow we leave for Barcelona. It will be fun because there will be many days at sea, 6 days. But I'm most exited to arrive, Barcelona seems like a cool city and I know they have a hard rock café there, which I´m excited to visit.

But now I have to go to bed because I need to sleep so I´m energized tonight when I´m watching over the boat.

Have a good time, good night!

Andréa Olausson, Portside (Babord)


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se