Öckerö gymnasium

Games during watch

Yesterday, we left Porto Santo and continued towards Las Palmas. I had a great time in Porto Santo. We had ice cream and a barbecue dinner.

During tonight's watch, we practised dowsing sails.

After we had practised, the night was uneventful, so the entire watch sat down on quarterdeck to just chat for a while. Eventually, someone had the bright idea we should play a game, so we all went to the poop deck (short raised deck aft) and split into teams. My team was called Mackerel Weather. 

The rules of the game were that our watchleader would pick a letter and each team would have one minute to write a country, a marine animal, a celebrity that SHE knows of and a clothing brand that all starts with the letter above.

I’m no expert on the subject of celebrities or clothing brands, so my team came in last, but we still had fun.

After the watch, I made myself a cup of tea, showered, and went to bed.

Erik Nyback, portside 


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se