Öckerö gymnasium

Getting to know a ship and a new city

When we finally arrived at Little Havanna our tummies were desperate for food and our legs and feet were tired and hurting and therefor we were on a hunt for a good restaurant.

After some well needed sleep this day began with some yummy porridge and a cup of coffee with some milk in it. The first morning meeting of this journey went smoothly and because our, us students´s, memories are not perfect we did some repeating to get familiar with boat and all her little quirks again.

After this “familisation” I and three others wanted to explore Miami a bit and decided to take a trip to the cuban district Little Havanna. We thought it would be a good idea to go to the nearest visitor center and ask for directions and a map and so we did. But when we asked the woman how long it would take to ask she said 20 minutes… Lets just say that it took a “tiny” bit longer than that. To be more precise it took us about one and a half hour, which might had to do with us getting a bit lost on the way and having to walk dubble the distance.

When we finally arrived at Little Havanna our tummies were desperate for food and our legs and feet were tired and hurting and therefor we were on a hunt for a good restaurant. When I now look back on it we could surely have found a better restaurant than the one we settled for, but at the time it was like heaven to get a chair to sit on.

I ordered an apparently traditional cuban sandwich, which contained tomatoes, sallad, custard, beef and a few olives. I would not necessarily call it a tasty sandwich, but I would not either call it a bad sandwich… It was just something in-between.

When we had finished our meals the sky had turned dark and the streetlights been turned on and all the four of us longed home to Gunilla.

Kind regards,

Alva Knutsen Rohman, Portside


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se