Today was the day most of us where waiting for. The day we started our trip for real. The day where we got our first shifts.
It all began with breakfast; eggs, yoghurt, tea and a lot more. With our stomachs filled, starboard started the day with the trips first shift, 8-12. Which means, starboard got to leave Miami. With some preparing work, Gunilla was ready to leave for Charleston. Almost everybody gathered up on deck to say one last good bye to Miami when setting sails to Charleston, where new adventures are awaiting.
After a delicious plate of spaghetti with Bolognese for lunch midship took charge over Gunilla. The weather was fantastic which meant a lot of sailing and less motor. It was very hot and since almost everyone got burned by the sun yesterday sun protection was a rule today.
There were no classes today because it was our first day at the sea so it was a very lazy day. People watched some movies, got some sleep, sun bathed, climbed in the mast and so on. With a few hours with some lack of sleep and the waves bunching the boat, a nap was a good solution.
After our first shit (4-8), which included a lot of sailing and climbing in the mast, we watched as the night took over and the beautiful stars waking up lightning up the sky from the highest peak on gunilla. Then After a long day, the bed was very welcoming.
Emelie Olausson, Portside.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00