Today at 9 am we took off from the beautiful island Bermuda to set sail to the Azores. We now have a 14 day long sea leg ahead of us.
Today at 9 am we took off from the beautiful island Bermuda to set sail to the Azores. We now have a 14 day long sea leg ahead of us. A soon as we left the harbor, our captain threw out the fishing line in the water. After only 10 minutes we caught a tuna weighing about 6 kg. Adam, our watch leader ripped out the gills and fillet it. During our watch, we knocked rust and sanded down the surface in different spots to prepare for re-paint. After our watch, I continued writing my English assignment about slavery. For dinner, we had pork chops with potatoes and a really good sauce. Then me and Oliver watched Django Unchained in the big mess. It was really appropriate since it was about a slavery. It's sunny but there's no wind which is boring because we can't sail and have to use the engine instead.
Petter Alexandersson, Starboard Watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00