Öckerö gymnasium

Goodbye Gibraltar!

On this day, the 21st of October we’ve left the port of Gibraltar to set sail for Barcelona, Spain, which will be the 3rd stop on our journey through the Mediterranean. Our stay here in Gibraltar has been very nice since Gibraltar is a very diverse place with its distinct British vibes, its Mediterranean climate and a huge rock shooting up through the city. Gibraltar is also the only place in Europe where there are wild monkeys. During our stay in Gibraltar we’ve done a lot of different activities.

On the first day the classes split up, I went to the North East Beach with half of the science class to make an excursion of the beach as part of our biology project. The beach was very nice and almost picturesque, but the water was colder then anyone would’ve expected.

On the second day we visited two different schools in Gibraltar, the first one we visited was the Westside school of Gibraltar. The school was quite large and we joined the students on some of their lessons. Something special about the school was that the school was only for girls. The second school, which as you can probably understand was a school for boys. The school was a lot older and the students felt a lot more laid back.

The third and fourth day were both ¨frivakter¨, which means we were free the entire day during which we gave out forms to people in Gibraltar to fill out as part of another biology project. On the Friday we celebrated our friend Ludvig as it was his birthday, we bought him some gifts and he ended up receiving around 2kgs of cookies.

We left the harbour of Gibraltar on the Sunday to stock up on supplies in another part of Gibraltar were we coincidently encountered one of the largest sailing vessels in the world, The Royal Clipper.

And now we’re here at the 21st where I’m going to leave you for the next person to write the blog.

Fabian, Styrbord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se