As the clockarm moved it's point towards 12:00 Torben (our captain) gave order to lower the anchor. We all had earlier understood that Torben was a big fan of bathstops and so we were all confident in what was in the making. The dark blue water flew high as we jumped from the railings.
Some people wake up by the soothing sound of chirping birds, but we are without a doubt an exeption.We left our spot in Miami early to fill up on fuel and water in preperation for our journey towards Charleston. My watch was first on guard after breakfast and toghether we made Gunilla ready for the Atlantic sea. We made sure all loose objects were stuck in their place and prepared some of the sails for take off. Some time past 10:00 PM the refill finished and we made our way through the trafficated Miami harbour. We were eager to set sails after not having to much to do, but the ones in charge wouldn't let us. As the clockarm moved it's point towards 12:00 Torben (our captain) gave order to lower the anchor. We all had earlier understood that Torben was a big fan of bathstops and so we were all confident in what was in the making. The dark blue water flew high as we jumped from the railings. We enjoyed the last of Miami and it's salty waters before raising the anchor and continue the journey towards Charleston.
Regards Sam
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00