We woke up with the sea around the boat. The waves made it hard to keep the balance, but we manage. When we were waiting for some people in our watch, we saw dolphins in the waves. They were so clear when they surfed whit us.
After our work hours we laid at the front of the boat and looked at the clear sky, the glittering ocean and the sun made us tan. In that moment everything was perfect. So perfect that I feel asleep whit a smile on my lips.
When I woke up the smell of dinner hit my nose. And I let my stomach guide me. When my stomach was full it was time for my nap nr 2. You see I work between 8 and 12 so I want to sleep as much as I can. And whit the waves rocking me to sleep it didn’t take long.
The night was calm and we didn’t have to do much. But then we had our break when we eat some French toast in the mast. So 9 people was on this little platform in the mast and it was so much fun. After that we just enjoyed the stars and talked. We were a little sad because it was the last time on the night guarding for a while.
But we all know that we will be back. We want to come back to the sea and all the fun.
That’s all from me for a while, you have to wait to September for more.
Alice J
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se