Öckerö gymnasium

Halfway to Cadiz

We are now halfway to Cadiz and counting down our last days of this 2 month trip. We now leave for Sweden and Öckerö in 9 days which makes me sad, but I won’t lie, it is also a little bit nice to come home. The upcoming 9 days will be filled with good weather and fun activities in Cadiz and last but absolutely not least, the final cleaning which we all despise.

The sailing from Lissabon has been absolutely wonderful with good weather and almost all standing sails except the mizzen. The temperature has been between 25-30 degrees which parts from the other sea legs we have had this trip with 10-15 degrees. We have now changed the captain from Hans to Torben. The difference between Hans and Torben is that Hans wants to get to our destination as soon as possible with as much sailing as possible and with Torben every degree over 25 equals a bath stop. I do not complain! With the 30 degrees that the 29th of September offered the bath-stop was a fact and we had no other choice than to cool down our bodies in the blue and crystal clear water. The three o’clock snack was pineapple milkshakes and it sure was a happy hour;)

Every sunday we have a safety drill and because of the bathing stop we had a man over board drill today which means we have to hand down all sails so that the boat doesn’t move forward. Then we put the MOB-boat in the water and rescue a fender, we named the fender Kenneth and he took a big space in my heart<3 Kenneth came out of the drill alive and 10 minutes later everybody were in the water.

After the bathing it was time for us in the starboard watch to go on watch and set all the sails again, it is both intense and very fun to set all the 18 sails all on the same time. But to sail with an all set rig is magical!

Soon we will be home and the fact that we have to wait one and a half year until next time we’ll be here on T/S Gunilla is very sad, it makes you enjoy the last days to the fullest.

Until next time,

Cajsa Bucht, Starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se