The day started out with a Swedish summer feeling accompanied by blues in a park and ended with running eyes and something alike a milk drinking competition. Never could I have imagined such an Easter evening before today!
I think most of us had forgotten that it actually was Easter evening as we dragged ourselves to line-up this morning. But Lisa, our DOS, kindly reminded us after the main crew had, not as friendly, pontificated that our rooms looked like something that is supposed to be in the toilet, aka number two. All of us in starboard were very excited to go out and explore Charleston, especially since the others had spoken so nicely about it. Now I really see why. Pretty houses were placed in rows on both sides of the narrow street and you couldn’t hear the usual city sounds for the chirping birds in their nests. The sunlight strimmed through the light green leaf ceiling above us and the bushy, yet well preserved, gardens with uncountable amounts of flowers filled the air with a sweet, summery scent.
Most of us went to the farmers market we had heard were supposed to be here on Saturday. It wasn’t big at all, but oh my it was wonderful! Local companies sold all kinds of things, everything from homemade pasta, roasted and caramelised pecans, lemonade and veggies to jewellery, art, tables and ceramics. Kids could play in blown up play forts and a small band played blues music in the background.
For lunch we wanted seafood, but at our first stop the line was about two hours long, so we went on looking and ended up in a nice seafood restaurant. I even tried oyst ers for the first time! Our own unofficial expert Wimmer instructed me and Eskil, we put a splash of lemon and a drop of tabasco on it. It was really tasty, but in my opinion a bit overhyped.
After eating an Easter buffet for dinner on Gunilla, consisting of sill, meatballs, Janssons, smörgås-cake, västerbotten-pie and mudcake with raspberries for dessert, most of us that didn’t have shift went to a football field nearby. We played both kubb and soccer as the sun set and the mini mosquitos bit us and when it was too dark to see the ball we walked back to Gunnis, thinking the evening had passed. But when we arrived some guys had bought a hot extract with 6 million scowille, which some of us tried. I was one of those and I wasn’t too bad. I mean, of course it was hot, the hottest I have ever tried, my whole mouth and throat hurt and my tongue felt a bit numb, but I survived without drinking two litres of milk as some of the others did to cool down…
I hope your day was amazing even if it probably was a bit different from mine, Happy Easter to all of you!
Christina Boström, Starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00