Öckerö gymnasium

Happy new year!

After a long evening yesterday, all of us got to sleep in to 10:45 am, nice huh?? We woke up tiered but the mood on Gunilla was lifted when we saw the most fabulous brunch that the chef had prepared! Everything between French toast and croissants to yoghurt with berries was served. I can say that some of us shed a tear…

After the brunch, we all had muster on deck. Today starboard had the watch which means that port and midship had the day free. Some of them went to a market close to the harbour and others took a taxi to a mall. Maybe some got time for both…? Home on Gunilla the day was used for tiding up after the party the night before. Maybe it sounds boring, but with good music and friends beside you, everything on Gunilla becomes fun!

Tomorrow we will go on a safari…isn’t that nice?? I hope we will se animals like giraffes, rhinos and such!

Hope you had a good day to!

/Tilda Strandevall, starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se