It was really hard to work in the kitchen. It was very noisy and slippery on the floor so I got really tired. When a wave came I slipped from one side of the room to the other side. A lot of cups, glasses and water containers fell down on the floor and broke. At 12 am the watch was over!
Today we are sailing outside Moroccos coast. It’s about 15 degrees celsius and windy. The waves are around 3-5 meter high and the most of us are tired and seasick.
I woke up at 7 am with a headache. I drank some water and snoozed for 15 minutes. After that, tired and sick as I was, I walked to the little mess and ate breakfast. Then I got ready and at 8am my watch, Portside, started having watch. It was my turn to be in the kitchen. For lunch it was bulgur-salad with chicken and rode island sauce so I chopped vegetables and made a sauce. Because it was very wavy (around 3-5 meter high waves) it was really hard to work in the kitchen. It was very noisy and slippery on the floor so I got really tired. When a wave came I slipped from one side of the room to the other side. A lot of cups, glasses and water containers fell down on the floor and broke. At 12am the watch was over.
After the watch I took a shower and ate lunch. Then I studied english and Portside had a Harbor evaluation on Gibraltar/La Linea. At 3:40pm everyone on the boat had a meeting. The captain informed us about rules in morocco, a final dinner etc. After the meeting each watch gathered and came up with ideas for the final dinner. Then it was dinner time, today potatoes with meatloaf was served, for the vegetarians it was a carrotpatty instead of the meatloaf. Because I was very tired I slept for two hours, then I was getting ready for watch again. The waves were much smaller now so it was so much easier to work in the kitchen. The only thing we did was cleaning the floor and than we made fruitsoup for everyone in the watch.
Hugs and kisses from Gunilla.
Sara Wallin
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00