Today was a really interesting and fun day! We started the day with a trip to a school. It was called ”Community for learning” and the students were very kind and friendly. Their english was so good and it was great that we got the chance to ask them some questions for our schoolwork.
They served us cakes and muffins, and they also taught us how to dance meringue. It was fun but hard because I’m no good at dancing…
After the little dance lesson, it was time to go back to Gunilla. Me and three friends then took a taxi to the shopping mall. It was a big mall with all kinds of different stores, but we didn’t have a lot of time there. We were suposed to be back at Gunilla by six o’clock so we wasn’t there for very long. We ate dinner back at the boat, fish tacos. They were delicious! Then it was time for the last free-hours in the Dominican Republic. We went to a second-hand store. I had been there before and it’s very cozy with many beautiful things. We spent the rest of the night looking in different stores and drinking some juice. We also took the last chance we had to get wifi :) Visiting the Dominican Republic has been very interesting and fun. I’ve learnt so much by going to the country instead of reading about it in a book or on the internet. That is a really educational thing which makes this school so fun and original!
Frida Nilsson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00