Days that look the same but are soon about to change
A day like all the other ones on board the ship the past 14 days at sea. The time is starting to fly away leaving us with a very strange perception of time – it feels like we have been on this boat, with all these people in this context for years. Time on the boat feels completely different compared to home, not very different from Narnia. Here years have passed, but at home just a few months have. But the same feeling is starting to make it easier for the days to pass meaning that we are coming closer and closer to home.
Our focus the past days have been the low pressure that will come at any moment, making it very rocky at sea. We are trying the best we can to mentally prepare us for this very drastic change in weather. Thanks to this upcoming low pressure we are able so sail a lot faster and hopefully being able to reach and sail along with our ship friend Gulden Loeuw. It was the boat we met in Progreso and whom are also sailing home to the Netherlands. We heard that they too have a bird on board their ship, but from Mexico, who is also living with them!
We will not only feel a drastic change in weather but also in watch hours. Sunday will be the day we will switch from 4-8 to 8-12. Soon will the days in other words starting to differ from the past ones. At this point it feels necessary to do so for us to remember what happened those days at sea when we’re back home.
Hope you are having a good time in Sweden besides the situation and watch out for April’s jokes!
Best regards,
CR, Styrbord
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00