I hope that you all have had a good day home in Sweden, here in Malaga have we had a perfect day with a lot of experiences and work.
The weather here in Malaga is very good, it’s around 25 degrees C and the sun has shine almost the hole day.
When we woke up this morning at 7.15 am as always, we ate our breakfast, put on our Gunilla t-shirts, packed our bags and brought some lunch. Then we walked for 45 minutes until we came to a science center with a lot of cool physics and chemistry stuff. At the science center we first listened to a woman that told us about electricity, attractions between electrons, pH and other crazy science things.
I think that it was interesting and she tried some of the experiments that she did on us students. It was a little bit scary but mostly just fun and cool. One of the coolest experiments was when she put one of the students in a cage and put on the stream and told the student to touch the cage that was full of energy. That was scary but nothing bad happened and I think and hope that she knowns what she was doing.
After the science center, we went home and started our gard. We were oiling the deck, climbing in the rig and cleaning the boat’s inside. It wasn’t that funny, but the time went away and I was starting my ship-gard. At the ship-gard I guided some people that wanted to look at Gunilla. I showed them some different parts and I told them a little about our trip and of course about the school. I think that they thought that it was a cool experience and one of the adults told me that she wanted to start high school again. I just laughed and told her that this experience is fantastic and that we, the students on Gunilla is fortunate.
After the ship gard I studied some chemistry and looked throe my notes from the science center. Then me and my friends went up to ”poop-deck” and talked about life and our huge experience here on Gunilla.
I miss you all and wish you a good fall break!
Hugs from Julia G, Starboard.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se