Öckerö gymnasium

Hi everyone!

Today I was in the kitchen all day, which was fun, except the part where we had to clean.

In the kitchen we prepared and cooked the meals for today. I made the salad for lunch and prepared the lunch for tomorrow when we’re going on a fieldtrip. The others in my watch had to chip the rust off of the rail. They said it was boring so I’m glad I was in the kitchen.

So far the trip has been amazing, it’s fun getting to know new people and seeing a lot of new places. I thought that Lisbon was a nice city, but I like Malaga more because there are more things to do here. It’s also a very beautiful city with lots of cool buildings. The port is very nice too there are a lot of small shops and ice cream places. It’s also fun, because there is a lot of people on the port that are looking at the ship.

Soon we’re leaving for Barcelona which I’m really looking forward to. I like to be out at sea, because I think it’s cozy. This time I hope we get to sail a bit more, since we haven’t tried that yet.

Hope everything is good wherever you are.

Moa Jacobsson

Amidships watch


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se