Öckerö gymnasium

Highlights from our last adventure 

Now we have 16 days left of this adventure on T/S Gunilla, but I don’t know if I want to go home. Someone said to me that it takes 14 days to get in to a new routine and we have been here for so long that this feels almost like home. Okay, it would be nice to take a long shower without people screaming on you to hurry, eat that kind of food you usually eat at home and sleep more than just the little time between the watches. 

We have made so much memories on this boat. It´s a little bit scary that we will never do this again after this. Maybe some of us come back as a watch leaders, but we never gonna be the same 44 students making new memories together here like this again.

Here is some of my top memories from this trip:

One night watch we had disco on the bridge and we squeezed in the whole watch. Then turned on some loud music and danced with our watch leader and captain. We also had hand spa on poop deck with honey scrub and nail polish.

On Bermuda we rented scooters and drove around on the islands for a whole day. We drove to a lighthouse and that was the best stop of the day. It wasn't planned and we were surprised of the view, it was so beautiful and the lighthouse was open so we bought tickets and we went up the stairs to the top. In the evening we stopped for dinner at a restaurant by the roadside. We sat outside on a terrace. It was so cozy with led lights and good food.

On the leg between Charleston and Bermuda we had two golden moments. During the watch one night the whole watch climbed up in the mast and ate popcorn. We also had a golf tournament on the deck with deck brushes and ”snusdosor”.

But the best of all is the daily things we do like eating, sleeping and sailing. Just being together with all the others makes the best memories. Right now I think the movie nights and the deck washing are the things we will remember the most from this leg.

Even if it´s a short time left, I am sure that we have a lot of more memories to create together.

Hugs, Ebba



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se