Hike on Santo Antoa
We went on a hike today to the neighbor island Santo Antao. Our crew leaders Oskar and Harry woke us up at 04:15. Then we went with the small boats from Gunilla to the harbour beacause we are still ankered outside the harbour. Everyone was so tired and we slept at the waiting hall by the ferry station.
The ferry was late but no one complained and we came to Santo Antao at 09:00. Well there we found an allugue that could take us from Porto Novo to Ponta do sol. The ride was about an hour and we drove thrue the mointains up and down all the time and had a beautiful view over the island and the ocean. In Ponta do sol we looked for hotels and we went back and fort many times to find the best place for the amount of money we had, 4000 escudos each wich is approximently 400 krones.
We decided to stay at Reseidential Victoria and it was very pretty and the owners were so cute . I stayed with Malou and Hedvig and in the room next to us Frida, Liv, Nora and Sara stayed. We paked up our backpacks so that we only would have the necessery things with us on the hike. After the lunch at a resturant by the ocean we started our hike. A guy came up to us and asked if we needed help when we looked at the map, I guess we looked pretty lost. He helped us find the right way to the road that would lead us to a small village called Fontaines. The village looked unreal from long distans like lego with diffrent coulered houses. At the village we met Kiki and Anna who told us to drink lots of water because it was very hot. We kept going for 45 minutues and reach a ridge and after that a even smaller village Corvo. After that we had a 2 hour walk home to the hotel and a well soght after shower. We ate dinner at a small place on a small backstreet. We met a guy and we asked him wich resturant he recomended and it was this one. He knew the owners and they were so cute and danced for us to their kap verdian music. After a long day we were even to tired to go buy ice cream so we went back to the hotel and fell asleep faster than ever.
Karin Berglund
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se