Öckerö gymnasium

Hola amigos!

Wrong language, sorry Gunnar (our English teacher), I can’t help it since we’re now in a Spanish speaking country.

Here in the Dominican Republic, the sun is shining, even though we hade some rain earlier this morning.

Today is a special day. Apart from the fact that we’re now on port, which is amazing, it’s also Kerstin’s birthday. This was celebrated with singing, colourful balloons and some chocolate from our dos (as a birthday gift to Kerstin).

So another thing that happened today was that we had visitors from a Dominican school. This was very nice, and I think everyone enjoyed it. We got some ice cream and berries. This was of course very tasty, but the best part of the visit was still to talk to the students. They were all really friendly and there was a lot to talk about.

After the visit we got some free time. We spent this time very wisely by going to… IKEA! It might sound strange, but it was actually very nice to see some Swedish products again, like “Marabou” and Swedish “ skorpor”. We enjoyed this a lot, but it didn’t really make the homesickness go away…

So this has been our day, this is pretty much all we’ve done (except that we’ve also spent a few hours in taxis, since the traffic here is very slow). Now it’s time for me and my friends to go dancing. We’re gonna try the local dance called Merengue.


Elvira S


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se