During the night between 22:30 and 00:30, I was gangway guard, then I slept until I got rouse at 07 as usual! I only ate one sandwich for breakfast and then ran up to the gangway to change the guard with my friend.
After that when the clock hit 7:55, I went back to the pop deck to raise the Swedish flag. It didn’t went all well from the beginning, first it got stuck, then I was about to drop the flag when I started hoisting, it wasn’t any wind so the flag pulled to the wire and when I raised the flag to the top, no one of the students and the commanding officer on the big deck turned around but stands and watches the Swedish flag instead of watching the Gibraltal flag that would also be hoisted, sooo embarrassing!
After the set-up, it was a physics lesson, which resulted in us getting a offwatch from about 09:30! It was super cozy! We wrote off from both lunch and dinner to have ice cream and food out!
We decided to go to the beach and swim, which was a bit cold so we laid down and sunbathed which was fantastic!
In the evening we went to a restaurant called Biancas. They served absolutely incredible food and I would recommend it and I really want to visit this restaurant again! When we then went back to Gunilla we had a nice time on the forecastle. And then I, Tyra and Sofia went down to my cabin, which meant that we soon were 17 people in total in the cabin at the same time! Extremely super-cozy!
Thanks for reading my blogs, best wishes Hanna Lilja, one of the science students sailing in the Mediterranean Sea.
Hanna Lilja, amidships watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
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475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se